Once You buy this in the next 24 to 48 hours you will get an email saying the code you can then go to the gift card tab fill that out and then type the code you got and type what you want. Keep in mind if you have a 5 dollar gift card and the item is 10 dollars you will receive and error email. But if not you will receive an email giving you the online link for the item or you will receive the item. Please note that if you want a gift card of higher price you may at a delivery method and make it 25 dollars or 50 dollars ect. Please note that if you put fake information you will have no way to get this in return. Please note once you buy something with the gift card you will receive another code with the amount that is left. With a gift card you can give it to your friends to buy something off this store or just keep it for something you might want later. Please Note that if you choose an option from below in the comment please list for example your number for a call or a text message and your email Note that if you want it through phone or text message service fees may apply from your service company. Thank You for Shopping At Sgt Gigdi's Shop And hope to see you again soon. Thank You.